Featured Opportunity

Lighten Up in Divine Flow Online Course

Lighten Up in Divine Flow Online Course

(Learn at your own pace)

Learn practical tools to shift from feeling "stuck" to enjoying synchronicities to bring your best dream into reality.

Course includes: 

  • Guided downloadable audio meditations you may use tap into your inner wisdom for answers to your biggest life questions 
  • Short video teachings that include real life stories to help you to "be at the right place at the right time" to manifest your goals.
  • Live messages from The Golden Assembly of Light Beings channeled by Kimberly in audio and written form to support you in manifesting your dreams
  • Guided downloadable exercises to connect with your own Divine Support Team of Guides and Angels so you may build a relationship to receive their support on a daily basis
  • Energy tools and emotional alchemy exercises to let go of stress and past pain 
  • Tips on how to manifest more than you ever thought possible by relaxing into your natural awareness & releasing limiting beliefs

Are you ready to live the magic?

Own course NOW $88

Intuitive Guidance Session with Kimberly


Bring your questions to gain more insight and clarity from your own Divine Support Team